New Online Meetup Sessions
March 28, 2023

We're excited to announce that the Syracuse Esperanto Society will be adding monthly online meetups in addition to our in-person sessions. The online sessions will take place on the first Friday of the month, while the in-person meetings will continue to be held on the third Friday of the month. This is a great opportunity for beginners to "test the waters" before coming to an in-person meetup, as well as for our existing members to increase their practice opportunities. All upcoming meetups are announced in advance on our page at

Resuming In-Person Meetups
February 18, 2022

We're thrilled to have resumed our in-person meetups again starting with our February gathering. While we've enjoyed our online meetings, we know that some members miss the social and conversational aspects of meeting in person. We'll continue to hold both online and in-person sessions going forward to accommodate all members. We're also looking to grow our membership in 2022, so please spread the word about our club to anyone you think might be interested!

Universala Kongreso 2020 Delayed
April 4, 2020

The World Health Organization declared the growing coronavirus epidemic a pandemic on March 11. This has resulted in numerous flight and entry restrictions which impacts international meetings in the near future. In light of these restrictions and safety concerns over the spread of the coronavirus, the UEA Board has postponed the 2020 Universala Kongreso which was to take place in Montreal.

Ret-Kunsido for New York Esperantists
March 22, 2020

Coronavirus has interrupted daily life for millions of people, calling for social distancing and closing schools and businesses. Like many others, esperantists are now turning to the internet to stay connected. The Syracuse Esperanto Society has teamed up with the Buffalo Esperanto Club to organize several online events since in-person meetings are not possible. The Nov-Jorkia Ret-Kunsido will be hosted over Zoom on March 24 at 6:00pm and will be open to all esperantists in New York. The Syracuse group is also organizing a Facebook Watch Party for the film Incubus, starring William Shatner. Meeting IDs and access codes have been provided to the local group leaders; anyone wishing to participate is advised to contact their local group.

Esperanto Course at the University of Rochester
January 28, 2019

After a long pause, the Esperanto Course at the University of Rochester will be held. The course will be taught by Hoss Firooznia on Monday evenings through the 2019 spring semester. The course was first offered at the university in 2005, and was held almost every year until 2013. It’s estimated that between 75-100 students have learned Esperanto from the course. The course is open to the public, and anyone from Syracuse who wishes to attend should contact the Syracuse Esperanto Society to arrange group transportation.